The HD Zuchtwert and the Breed Value Number

At Gunbil German shepherd dogs, we follow "Responsible German Shepherd Dog Breeders Preventive Measures" set by the German Shepherd Dog Club of Germany (SV) since 1966. Our obligatory breeding program for the fight against hip dysplasia with the method of the “Breed Value Assessment”, known as “Zuchtwert- Breed Value (HDZW)”. The limit is expressed through the average ZW (Score) of both dogs (parents) in the breeding pair.  A limit for the average "Breed Value Score" is accetptable up to 100. But, a LOWER ZW number is much better in producing healthy hips for generation to come. An (HD) ZW value of 100 has been set as the breed average. So ZW values less than 100 are the most desirable. HD ZW values less than 100 mean the dog produces fewer progeny with (HD - Hip Problems) than the breed average. A number greater than 100 means a dog produces (HD - Hip Problems) more often that the breed average. A responsible breeder should strive in lowering the ZW score for lower values not only in their current select litter but future generations to follow.  Recomended Breed Value Score Ranking (ZW) below:

ZW: 60/79 Super Healthy Hip Value

 ZW: 80/89: Excellent Hip Value

 ZW: 90/100 Very Good Hip Value

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Gunbil German Shepherd Dogs 14360 Arfsten Road Larkspur, CO. 80118

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