• Puppies for sale in Colorado
  • Import puppies for sale
  • Working line puppies for sale
  • Champion puppies for sale
  • Future breeding litters
  • German shepherds for sale
  • Trained puppies for sale
  • Trained dogs for sale
  • Protection dogs for sale
  • German shepherd studs in our kennels
  • German shepherd females in our breeding litters

Trained German shepherd puppies

Our trained puppies imprinting and socialization begin at puppyhood. This early puppy training gives your dog a head start in its new life! A unique learning period occurs during puppy training, enabling young trained puppies to quickly absorb information about their world and how to react to it. Each experience defines your pup's future behavior and dictates how they respond to humans. Our purebred German shepherd puppy training teaches young dogs to see humans as their leaders, understand rules and boundaries, and imprint each foundational command upon which all future obedience skills are mastered at the early puppyhood imprinting stage.

Our puppies are trained in a family home environment (not a board and trained in boarding kennels). Our trained puppies live with our trainer/s and their families for 21 to 28 days. Your puppy will be house trained (potty training to a bell), crate trained, and excel in puppy obedience training. Friendly to other dogs and animals. Will walk very well on a leash, up and down stairs, is accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces, and enjoys car rides. Must love humans, especially children, and interact with them as a happy and fun dog. Our puppy training program also accustoms the trained puppy to elevators, and escalators, well socialized in an urban environment to interact in our world comfortably without challenges. Your puppy will thrive in their new home and bring your family lifetime memories.

We're so confident and assured in our Gunbil breeding program we offer a Five Year (5) Health & Temperament guarantee! we back it up with a service that supports our character and our integrity. Our five year guarantee is our commitment to you and your new puppy/dog.
Trained puppy
Trained Puppies For Sale - Available
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 8,444.00
Keelo (von Gunbil)
date of birth December 31, 2024
Country Origin Gunbil Bred Colorado
Gender Male
Pedigree Status AKC/GSKC
Hip Value Breed Value- A breed hip value (ZW) score of less than 100 are the most desirable (the lower the ZW number the better!). The ZW values less than 100 mean the dog produces fewer progeny with (HD - Hip Problems) than the breed average. A number greater than 100 means a dog produces (HD - Hip Problems) more often that the breed average.
85 Excellent healthy hip value  →
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta Dog The 3rd ranked dog is excellent for family (BETA DOG). Not necessarily a follower to the Alpha, rather a different kind. He avoids confrontation and risks. He does not have the need to challenge for position. Very affectionate loving dog and, if raised with children, will make an excellent playmate as well as watchdog for them. Good defensive natural ability and instinct to protect his/her family. Strong, verey good prey drive, very good sport dog, very good for family protection dog.
Beta Character →
Coat Type Plush Coat - The Plush Coat German Shepherds have a medium length of hair. Slightly longer and fuller compared to the normal or stock coat. The plush coat also has an undercoat compared to the long coat German shepherds. They also have fuller undercoat, this makes them more tolerant to cold weather. This undercoat is an insulating coat, in the winter months (and colder climates), the undercoat will become thicker to keep dog warmer. A double-coated dogs are especially well-suited to all types of weather including “summer” heat.
Plush Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact Yes
Recommended family, sport, show, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Keelo, An ideal family dog with a world-class and world-champion pedigree, an expressive puppy, macho head and desired type, masculine, ready-to-play and please character, very-good prey and play drive, confident puppy, self-assured, playful, fun, energetic, full of life! An excellent healthy pedigree from both parents. He is loyal and has very good natural protective instincts to protect his family. Fantastic with children other animals, and in a home-family environment. Absolutely "Clear in the Head" with stable nerves and a safe nature. He will excel at any job and do it with joy and confidence.

Keelo, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

His grandfather is 2x world champion VA1 Usher aus der Brunnenstraße and the grandson of 3x world champion VA1 Willy vom Kuckucksland

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, sold.
Trained puppy
Trained Puppies For Sale - Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 8,444.00
Joker (von Gunbil)
date of birth November 11, 2024
Country Origin Gunbil Bred Colorado
Gender Male
Pedigree Status AKC/GSKC
Hip Value Breed Value- A breed hip value (ZW) score of less than 100 are the most desirable (the lower the ZW number the better!). The ZW values less than 100 mean the dog produces fewer progeny with (HD - Hip Problems) than the breed average. A number greater than 100 means a dog produces (HD - Hip Problems) more often that the breed average.
82 Excellent healthy hip value  →
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta Dog The 3rd ranked dog is excellent for family (BETA DOG). Not necessarily a follower to the Alpha, rather a different kind. He avoids confrontation and risks. He does not have the need to challenge for position. Very affectionate loving dog and, if raised with children, will make an excellent playmate as well as watchdog for them. Good defensive natural ability and instinct to protect his/her family. Strong, verey good prey drive, very good sport dog, very good for family protection dog.
Beta Character →
Coat Type Stock Coat - A typical German Shepherd is double coated with top coat (thicker hair and wiry) and an undercoat (a much softer hair with lighter colored). Simply put, they have two layers of fur. A dog with an undercoat sheds twice a year. It is the undercoat that makes the German Shepherd weatherproof. This coat type is also often referred as “show coat”.
Stock (Show) Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact No
Recommended family, sport, show, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Joker, World-famous Gunbil bred from the current 2024 Word Champion VA1 Mio vom Team Hühnegrab. Very confident, friendly, happy, and playful with excellent prey drive! Excellent natural protective instinct, great expression, strong masculine body structure, correct type, with TOP "world-class" pedigree, BIG-macho-head, mini-stud! -Black and Red rich pigment. Excellent with children and in a home environment - Great with other animals. He will excel at any job and do it with joy and confidence. Clear in the head character, safe nature, stable nerves.

Joker, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

His father is 2x world champion SG1/VA1 Mio vom Team Hühnegrab and the granddaughter of 2x world champion VA1 Usher aus der Brunnenstraße

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, sold.
Trained puppy
Trained Puppies For Sale - Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 8,444.00
Juniper (von Gunbil)
date of birth November 11, 2024
Country Origin Gunbil Bred Colorado
Gender Female
Pedigree Status AKC/GSKC
Hip Value Breed Value- A breed hip value (ZW) score of less than 100 are the most desirable (the lower the ZW number the better!). The ZW values less than 100 mean the dog produces fewer progeny with (HD - Hip Problems) than the breed average. A number greater than 100 means a dog produces (HD - Hip Problems) more often that the breed average.
82 Excellent healthy hip value  →
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta-Omega Dog The fourth in command is an ideal family pet for high-traffic and large families. Most often, this is the one who is most laid-back, does not lack confidence, and has a "sound" temperament. It will accept lower positions without a challenge and is happy to hang out with you. It is a cool dog. It is an ideal family pet with a good play drive, ready-to-play, and ready-to-please attitude.
Beta Omega Character →
Coat Type Plush Coat - The Plush Coat German Shepherds have a medium length of hair. Slightly longer and fuller compared to the normal or stock coat. The plush coat also has an undercoat compared to the long coat German shepherds. They also have fuller undercoat, this makes them more tolerant to cold weather. This undercoat is an insulating coat, in the winter months (and colder climates), the undercoat will become thicker to keep dog warmer. A double-coated dogs are especially well-suited to all types of weather including “summer” heat.
Plush Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact N/A
Recommended show, family, sport, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Juniper, World-famous Gunbil bred from the current 2024 Word Champion VA1 Mio vom Team Hühnegrab. She is alert and confident, has correct anatomy, is beautiful, and has excellent pigment, black and red! Calm and superior, self-assured character, strong masculine body type, Great with other animals, Loves children. Juniper will make a great family dog, loyal and protective. She loves car rides and does very well in heavily trafficked areas. Very good with natural protective instinct as well!. Clear in the head character, safe nature, stable nerves.

Juniper, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

Her father is 2x world champion SG1/VA1 Mio vom Team Hühnegrab and the granddaughter of 2x world champion VA1 Usher aus der Brunnenstraße

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, sold.
Trained puppy
Trained Dogs For Sale - Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 7,888.00
Honey (von Gunbil)
date of birth August 20, 2024
Country Origin Gunbil Bred Colorado
Gender Female
Pedigree Status SV/AKC Pink Papers, Germany
Hip Value Breed Value- A breed hip value (ZW) score of less than 100 are the most desirable (the lower the ZW number the better!). The ZW values less than 100 mean the dog produces fewer progeny with (HD - Hip Problems) than the breed average. A number greater than 100 means a dog produces (HD - Hip Problems) more often that the breed average.
76 Super healthy hip value  →
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta-Omega Dog The fourth in command is an ideal family pet for high-traffic and large families. Most often, this is the one who is most laid-back, does not lack confidence, and has a "sound" temperament. It will accept lower positions without a challenge and is happy to hang out with you. It is a cool dog. It is an ideal family pet with a good play drive, ready-to-play, and ready-to-please attitude.
Beta Omega Character →
Coat Type Stock Coat - A typical German Shepherd is double coated with top coat (thicker hair and wiry) and an undercoat (a much softer hair with lighter colored). Simply put, they have two layers of fur. A dog with an undercoat sheds twice a year. It is the undercoat that makes the German Shepherd weatherproof. This coat type is also often referred as “show coat”.
Stock Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact N/A
Recommended show, family, sport, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Honey, a beautiful female puppy! Strong and masculine body structure, macho head, excellent color (Black and Red), stud type - would make a gorgeous family dog! Confident, happy, friendly, and ready to work and play with you or your kids. Very healthy pedigree from both parents, very good prey and play drive - Excellent natural protective instinct for his family. Loyal and loves children! He’ll excel at any job and do it with joy and confidence. We guarantee our puppies have stable nerves, a safe nature, and a clear in-the-head character (sound temperament).

Honey, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

His grandfather is 2X world champion VA2 Asap vom Aldamar and the grandson of world champion VA1 Saabat von Aurelius

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, sold.
Trained puppy
Trained Dogs For Sale - Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 7,888.00
Harlee (von Gunbil)
date of birth August 20, 2024
Country Origin Gunbil Bred Colorado
Gender Male
Pedigree Status SV/AKC Pink Papers, Germany
Hip Value Breed Value- A breed hip value (ZW) score of less than 100 are the most desirable (the lower the ZW number the better!). The ZW values less than 100 mean the dog produces fewer progeny with (HD - Hip Problems) than the breed average. A number greater than 100 means a dog produces (HD - Hip Problems) more often that the breed average.
76 Super healthy hip value  →
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta-Omega Dog The fourth in command is an ideal family pet for high-traffic and large families. Most often, this is the one who is most laid-back, does not lack confidence, and has a "sound" temperament. It will accept lower positions without a challenge and is happy to hang out with you. It is a cool dog. It is an ideal family pet with a good play drive, ready-to-play, and ready-to-please attitude.
Beta Omega Character →
Coat Type Stock Coat - A typical German Shepherd is double coated with top coat (thicker hair and wiry) and an undercoat (a much softer hair with lighter colored). Simply put, they have two layers of fur. A dog with an undercoat sheds twice a year. It is the undercoat that makes the German Shepherd weatherproof. This coat type is also often referred as “show coat”.
Stock Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact Yes
Recommended show, family, sport, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Harlee, is a friendly, gentle, happy, and playful puppy with a very good prey drive! He has a very good natural protective instinct for his family, is a confident dog with great expression, masculine body structure, correct overall type, with TOP "world-class" pedigree, and macho-pronounced stud type head! Black and Red rich pigment. Absolutely "Clear in the Head," stable nerves, safe nature. Loves children and does very well in a home environment - Great with other dogs. He will excel at any job and do it with joy and confidence. Clear in the head character, safe nature, stable nerves.

Harlee, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

His grandfather is 2X world champion VA2 Asap vom Aldamar and the grandson of world champion VA1 Saabat von Aurelius

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, sold.
Trained puppy
Trained Puppies For Sale - Sory, Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 8,888.00
Xray (Gunbil Imports)
date of birth April 18, 2024
Country Origin Imported from Germany
Gender Male
Pedigree Status SV/AKC/GSKC
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta Dog The 3rd ranked dog is excellent for family (BETA DOG). Not necessarily a follower to the Alpha, rather a different kind. He avoids confrontation and risks. He does not have the need to challenge for position. Very affectionate loving dog and, if raised with children, will make an excellent playmate as well as watchdog for them. Good defensive natural ability and instinct to protect his/her family. Strong, verey good prey drive, very good sport dog, very good for family protection dog.
Beta Character →
Coat Type Stock Coat - A typical German Shepherd is double coated with top coat (thicker hair and wiry) and an undercoat (a much softer hair with lighter colored). Simply put, they have two layers of fur. A dog with an undercoat sheds twice a year. It is the undercoat that makes the German Shepherd weatherproof. This coat type is also often referred as “show coat”.
Stock Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact Yes
Recommended show, family, sport, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Xray, is an ideal dog for the show, breeding, and naturally for family. Friendly, self-assured, confident, healthy pedigree from both parents, good prey and play drive – Very good natural protective instinct for his family. Strong, masculine, superior head, excellent color (Black and Red). Excellent in a home-family environment. Excellent with children, great with other animals. TOP breeding quality pedigree, strong, masculine, and expressive, stud type, a very desired type.. Absolutely "Clear in the Head," stable nerves, safe nature.

Xray, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

His father is second ranked in the world V2 Promo vom Osterberger-Land and the grandson of TWICE world champion VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, sold!
Trained puppy
Trained Puppies For Sale - Sory, Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 8,888.00
bibi (Gunbil Imports)
date of birth February 23, 2024
Country Origin Imported from Germany
Gender Female
Pedigree Status SV/AKC/GSKC
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta Dog The 3rd ranked dog is excellent for family (BETA DOG). Not necessarily a follower to the Alpha, rather a different kind. He avoids confrontation and risks. He does not have the need to challenge for position. Very affectionate loving dog and, if raised with children, will make an excellent playmate as well as watchdog for them. Good defensive natural ability and instinct to protect his/her family. Strong, verey good prey drive, very good sport dog, very good for family protection dog.
Beta Character →
Coat Type Plush Coat - The Plush Coat German Shepherds have a medium length of hair. Slightly longer and fuller compared to the normal or stock coat. The plush coat also has an undercoat compared to the long coat German shepherds. They also have fuller undercoat, this makes them more tolerant to cold weather. This undercoat is an insulating coat, in the winter months (and colder climates), the undercoat will become thicker to keep dog warmer. A double-coated dogs are especially well-suited to all types of weather including “summer” heat.
Plush Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact N/A
Recommended show, family, sport, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Bibi, is an ideal and family dog. Beautiful, friendly, self-assured, confident, happy puppy, healthy pedigree from both parents, alert, excellent prey, and play drive. Feminine type, nicely formed head, excellent color (Black and Red). It's a very desired type. Amazing in a home-family environment. Excellent with children, great with other animals. She will excel at any job and do it with joy and confidence. She has a wonderful natural protective instinct for her family. Absolutely "Clear in the Head," stable nerves, safe nature.

Bibi, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

Her grandfather is world champion VA1 Willy vom Kuckucksland and the granddaugter of world champion VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, sold!
Trained puppy
Trained Puppies For Sale - Sorry, Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 7,888.00
Fisbee (Gunbil Bred)
date of birth December 31, 2023
Country Origin Gunbil Bred Colorado
Gender Female
Pedigree Status AKC/GSKC
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta Dog The 3rd ranked dog is excellent for family (BETA DOG). Not necessarily a follower to the Alpha, rather a different kind. He avoids confrontation and risks. He does not have the need to challenge for position. Very affectionate loving dog and, if raised with children, will make an excellent playmate as well as watchdog for them. Good defensive natural ability and instinct to protect his/her family. Strong, verey good prey drive, very good sport dog, very good for family protection dog.
Beta Character →
Coat Type Stock Coat - A typical German Shepherd is double coated with top coat (thicker hair and wiry) and an undercoat (a much softer hair with lighter colored). Simply put, they have two layers of fur. A dog with an undercoat sheds twice a year. It is the undercoat that makes the German Shepherd weatherproof. This coat type is also often referred as “show coat”.
Stock Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact N/A
Recommended show, family, protection, sport
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

fisbee, an ideal dog for show/breeding with excellent drive, absolutely correct anatomically with prominent red pigment, friendly in nature, confident and self-assured, friendly, fun, playful with an aim to please character. An excellent natural protective instinct for her family, a superior type female (would be an ideal show, breeding, and naturally top quality family pet) with TOP breeding and healthy pedigree from both parents, strong and expressive, very desired type. Excellent with children and in a home environment - Great with other animals. She will excel at any job and do it with joy and confidence. Absolutely "Clear in the Head," stable nerves, safe nature.

fisbee, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

Her grandfather is world champion VA1 Willy vom Kuckucksland and the granddaugter of world champion VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, Sold!
Trained puppy
Trained Puppies For Sale - Sorry, Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 7,888.00
Ember von Gunbil
date of birth December 03, 2023
Country Origin Gunbil Bred Colorado
Gender Female
Pedigree Status AKC/GSKC
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta Dog The 3rd ranked dog is excellent for family (BETA DOG). Not necessarily a follower to the Alpha, rather a different kind. He avoids confrontation and risks. He does not have the need to challenge for position. Very affectionate loving dog and, if raised with children, will make an excellent playmate as well as watchdog for them. Good defensive natural ability and instinct to protect his/her family. Strong, verey good prey drive, very good sport dog, very good for family protection dog.
Beta Character →
Coat Type Stock Coat - A typical German Shepherd is double coated with top coat (thicker hair and wiry) and an undercoat (a much softer hair with lighter colored). Simply put, they have two layers of fur. A dog with an undercoat sheds twice a year. It is the undercoat that makes the German Shepherd weatherproof. This coat type is also often referred as “show coat”.
Stock Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact N/A
Recommended family, sport, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Ember, Excellent puppy for sport and family protection. Intelligent, friendly, self-assured, playful, aiming to please character. Excellent natural protective instinct, excellent prey, and play drive; a superior type female with a healthy and world-class pedigree; feminine and very expressive. Black and Brown, good depth in pigment (will get darker as she matures). Excellent with children and in a home environment - Good with other animals. She will excel at any job and do it with joy and confidence. Clear in the head character, safe nature, stable nerves.

Ember, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

Her father is V2 Ian vom Gleisenauer Schloß (39th ranked in world) and the granddaughter of VA2 Asap vom Aldamar (2x world champion)

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, sold!
Trained puppy
Trained Puppies For Sale - Sorry, Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 6,888.00
Forrest (von Gunbil)
date of birth December 30, 2023
Country Origin Gunbil Bred Colorado
Gender Male
Pedigree Status AKC/GSKC
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta-Omega Dog The fourth in command is an ideal family pet for high-traffic and large families. Most often, this is the one who is most laid-back, does not lack confidence, and has a "sound" temperament. It will accept lower positions without a challenge and is happy to hang out with you. It is a cool dog. It is an ideal family pet with a good play drive, ready-to-play, and ready-to-please attitude.
Beta Omega Character →
Coat Type Stock Coat - A typical German Shepherd is double coated with top coat (thicker hair and wiry) and an undercoat (a much softer hair with lighter colored). Simply put, they have two layers of fur. A dog with an undercoat sheds twice a year. It is the undercoat that makes the German Shepherd weatherproof. This coat type is also often referred as “show coat”.
Stock Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact Yes
Recommended show, family, sport, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Forrest, Friendly in nature, gentle, happy, and playful with a good prey drive! Very nice natural protective instinct, great expression, masculine solid body structure, correct type, with TOP "world-class" pedigree, masculine body type, macho-pronounced-head, overall stud type! Black and Red rich pigment. Absolutely "Clear in the Head," stable nerves, safe nature. Excellent with children and in a home environment - Great with other animals. He will excel at any job and do it with joy and confidence. Clear in the head character, safe nature, stable nerves.

Forrest, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

His grandfather is world champion VA1 Willy vom Kuckucksland and the grandson of world champion VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag

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questions? Please call 719.220.2222
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Trained puppy
Trained Puppies For Sale - Sorry, Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 7,888.00
Enzo von Gunbil
date of birth December 03, 2023
Country Origin Gunbil Bred Colorado
Gender Male
Pedigree Status AKC/GSKC
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta Dog The 3rd ranked dog is excellent for family (BETA DOG). Not necessarily a follower to the Alpha, rather a different kind. He avoids confrontation and risks. He does not have the need to challenge for position. Very affectionate loving dog and, if raised with children, will make an excellent playmate as well as watchdog for them. Good defensive natural ability and instinct to protect his/her family. Strong, verey good prey drive, very good sport dog, very good for family protection dog.
Beta Character →
Coat Type Stock Coat - A typical German Shepherd is double coated with top coat (thicker hair and wiry) and an undercoat (a much softer hair with lighter colored). Simply put, they have two layers of fur. A dog with an undercoat sheds twice a year. It is the undercoat that makes the German Shepherd weatherproof. This coat type is also often referred as “show coat”.
Stock Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact Yes
Recommended family, sport, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Enzo, an ideal dog for the show, breeding, and naturally for family. Friendly, confident, very healthy pedigree from both parents, good prey and play drive - Excellent natural protective instinct for his family. Strong, masculine, superior macho head, excellent color (Black and Red). Excellent in a home-family environment. Great with other animals. TOP breeding quality pedigree, strong and expressive, a very desired type. Absolutely "Clear in the Head," stable nerves, safe nature. Excellent with children, great with other animals. He will excel at any job and do it with joy and confidence.

Enzo, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

Her father is V2 Ian vom Gleisenauer Schloß (39th ranked in world) and the granddaughter of VA2 Asap vom Aldamar (2x world champion)

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, sold!
Trained puppy
Trained Puppies For Sale - Sorry, Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 7,888.00
Foxxy von Gunbil
date of birth December 30, 2023
Country Origin Gunbil Bred Colorado
Gender Female
Pedigree Status AKC / GSKC
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta Dog The 3rd ranked dog is excellent for family (BETA DOG). Not necessarily a follower to the Alpha, rather a different kind. He avoids confrontation and risks. He does not have the need to challenge for position. Very affectionate loving dog and, if raised with children, will make an excellent playmate as well as watchdog for them. Good defensive natural ability and instinct to protect his/her family. Strong, verey good prey drive, very good sport dog, very good for family protection dog.
Beta Character →
Coat Type Stock Coat - A typical German Shepherd is double coated with top coat (thicker hair and wiry) and an undercoat (a much softer hair with lighter colored). Simply put, they have two layers of fur. A dog with an undercoat sheds twice a year. It is the undercoat that makes the German Shepherd weatherproof. This coat type is also often referred as “show coat”.
Stock Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact N/A
Recommended show, family, sport, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Foxxy, an ideal family dog with excellent drive (play/prey), absolutely correct type, very confident, friendly, outgoing, intelligent with stable nerves, and a sound temperament (Clear in the head) character. Foxxy, will do "excellent in family protection" and excel in a family environment! She has an excellent natural ability to protect her family. A SUPERIOR family dog, Loyal, and loves children! Safe Nature.. Clear in the head character, safe nature, stable nerves.

Foxxy, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

Her grandfather is world champion VA1 Willy vom Kuckucksland and the granddaughter of world champion VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, sold!
Trained puppy
Trained Puppies For Sale - Sold!
  • 5 year guarantee
  • 7,888.00
Eiko von Gunbil Imports
date of birth December 03, 2023
Country Origin Gunbil Bred Colorado
Gender Male
Pedigree Status AKC/GSKC
Training Trained Puppies - Our trained puppies come with house training, puppy crate training, socialization skills with children, adults, other animals, including dogs. Object orientation in building drive with motivation to perform. Our trained puppy's live with our families and our children, with regular bathing, trimming of nails and cleaning ears and our trained puppies are introduced to stairs and slippery floor environment. Commands learned include: HEEL, SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME. SIT/STAY 1 to 4 minute long/down/stay, 1 to 4 minute, come to a front sit, heeling and go to your place (2/4 minute long "Puppy" boundary command – PLACE). THIS PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL CRATE TRAINING AND POTTY TRAINING OF YOUR PUPPY!
Obedience, crate, house train →
Character Beta Dog The 3rd ranked dog is excellent for family (BETA DOG). Not necessarily a follower to the Alpha, rather a different kind. He avoids confrontation and risks. He does not have the need to challenge for position. Very affectionate loving dog and, if raised with children, will make an excellent playmate as well as watchdog for them. Good defensive natural ability and instinct to protect his/her family. Strong, verey good prey drive, very good sport dog, very good for family protection dog.
Beta Character →
Coat Type Stock Coat - A typical German Shepherd is double coated with top coat (thicker hair and wiry) and an undercoat (a much softer hair with lighter colored). Simply put, they have two layers of fur. A dog with an undercoat sheds twice a year. It is the undercoat that makes the German Shepherd weatherproof. This coat type is also often referred as “show coat”.
Stock Coat
Color Black & Red
Intact Yes
Recommended family, sport, protection
Pictures More pictures, click here →
Guarantee Five Year Health & Temperament

Eiko, Very confident, friendly, happy, and playful with excellent prey drive! Excellent natural protective instinct, great expression, masculine solid body structure, correct type, with TOP "world-class" pedigree, BIG-macho-pronounced-head, mini-stud! -Black and Red rich pigment. Absolutely "Clear in the Head," stable nerves, safe nature. Excellent with children and in a home environment - Great with other animals. He will excel at any job and do it with joy and confidence. Clear in the head character, safe nature, stable nerves.

Eiko, is trained in a family home environment. House trained (potty training to a bell training), crate trained, does very well in basic obedience. Friendly to other dogs, including animals. Walks very well on a leash, up and down stairs, accustomed to tile, hardwood, and carpet surfaces; enjoys car rides.

Her father is V2 Ian vom Gleisenauer Schloß (39th ranked in world) and the granddaughter of VA2 Asap vom Aldamar (2x world champion)

purchase option
questions? Please call 719.220.2222
purchase Sorry, Sold!
Trained puppy