A professional breeder usually doesn't negotiate on their puppy. They invest a lot in each puppy and work hard to provide the best of their breed. A good, reputable breeder will have confidence in their puppies and breeding program. They would be proud to list the PRICE for their piece of mind and your convenience. There is no need to MIS-LEAD or divert anyone; list the price. If they are interested, they will contact you!
To all breeders: Be transparent; no worries, there are plenty of customers in today's market. Some are in your price range, and some aren't. Show respect for the client, and stop wasting the customers' time with your sales tactics to bait them into making a call (by not listing your price/prices). Be a good person and a better person in business, and list the price of your puppies or dogs for sale! That's the best and most honest way of doing business!
We Have Included A Price List For Your Convenience - Our Prices Below Is As Listed And Firm.