What Is Kkl1 And Kkl2 (Breed Value)
A registered German Shepherd dog that has a Schutzhund degree would have demonstrated sufficient ability as a working dog to qualify for breed evaluation. The breed evaluation is an in-depth examination of the dog's structure, temperament and pedigree, which requires both a certification of good hip joints and sufficient performance on an endurance test (the AD).
Dogs that do well in the breed evaluation receive a Koerklasse I (Kkl1) or Koerklasse II (Kkl2). This is a recommendation and evaluation by a trained and acknowledged "breed warden" judge who is qualified to certify the worthiness of the dog for breeding.
- Dogs rated Koerklasse 1 (Kkl1) "recommended for breeding".
- Dogs rated Koerklasse 2 (Kkl2) are "suitable for breeding
With this method, the process of choosing the select parents, both certified for breeding (KKLI/KKLII), will help to maintain or improve the quality of the breed at a top world-class level. The German shepherd puppies born to Schutzhund dams and sired by Schutzhund dogs are more likely to have sound temperament, high intelligence.
When the breed survey is ranked and cerified as Koerklasse 1 (Kkl1) or Koerklasse 2 (Kkl2), this will certainly assure you of the highes qulaity breeding and the breeder has accomplished tremendous effort, training and expense and great dedication to make assure his dog/s is worthy and is suitable for breeding, which in turn gives you the puppy buyer the best chance of getting a quality pup.

- All About German Shepherd Puppies
- Pet Disease and Allergies
- Hips and Elbows
- German Shepherd Dog Anatomy
- What is Schutzhund
- German Shepherd Behavior
- Quick Tips On German Shepherds
- Our Show Dogs