Now that you have purchased your new German shepherd dog/puppy, there are some crucial steps you must follow. One of the most important aspect in owning a "dog" is the training and social-behavior of your new family member.
The procedure of dog training is not difficult if you enjoy it. The fundamental is in the "dedication" to you and your dog. You must be committed and enjoy the process. If this is not your piece of cake, you should take your German shepherd dog/puppy to an "experts" dog trainer. (NOT all dog trainers have "expert" skills)
A well bred German shepherd is willing to please, a quick learner and takes pride in his accomplishments. You will be very surprised how quickly he learns and how-proud you will be. Three are plenty of books, videotapes, seminars and training classes available. How-ever, most people end up with a dog who's some-what trained. If this is good enough for you, please consider a different breed.
If you choose to train your German shepherd dog yourself, use a method that has a starting point (basic) and different levels of training (advance). This process will give you and your dog an opportunity to strengthen the bond between you. This will also provide both of you a better chance in success and lot's of fun. Please, do not compete with your dog training as "you vs. your dog". Training is about teaching your dog the things he needs to learn, with correct manners and to present himself in proper conduct in society. You need to approach this task patiently, with love and respect for your dog.
Training, learning and practice need to become part of your dog's daily life, which means your dog needs to be part of your life. So bring him in! Let him sleep in your bedroom and practice his "sits" in the kitchen. The more opportunities for interaction and practice you have, the faster your dog will learn and the more reliably he will respond.
You need to be positive in your training. Positive support is vital to your dog's learning progress. If all you ever do is tell your dog "no" your relationship with your dog is going to be poor. Praise him as often as possible, get excited when he delivers results for you and your dog. Reward the small stuff and bigger things will surely follow. Make it fun for you and your dog.
If you need help in your training do not be shy about getting some professional assistance. Dog training succeeds by degrees, creativity and patience. Increase the length of time and the number of situations in which your dog will execute a command, and you look for new ways to use what he knows so you can continue to develop and strengthen the bond between you and your dog.
Yelling or hitting your pet is wrong and it is an abuse!
- All About German Shepherd Puppies
- Pet Disease and Allergies
- Hips and Elbows
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- German Shepherd Behavior
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