AD Endurance Test (Ausdauerpruefung)
Reporting To The Judge
1. Purpose: The endurance test shall provide evidence that the dog is able to perform physical exertion of a certain degree without afterwards manifesting substantial symptoms of fatigue. The required strain on the physical condition of the dog can only come from running exercises. This we know places increased demands on the inner organs, especially the heart and lungs and likewise on the organs of movement themselves. It also tests other characteristics, such as vitality and toughness. The ability to endure must be regarded as evidence of physical health and the presence of desired characteristics. Both are prerequisites for pursuing sport with the dog.
2. Application: The endurance test will be held by the member club. It is subject to trial date approval like every other event and is applied for at the appropriate office of the organization. During the summer months, the endurance test is to be carried out only in the early morning or late afternoon hours. The outside temperature shall be, if possible, not above 22° C [approximately 72° F]. The registration of the dog must occur in writing to the trial chairman. In the registration of the dog, all known facts are to be declared and the scorebook submitted. If, during the course of an endurance test, it should happen that a handler or his dog should sustain a physical injury, neither the organizing club nor the organization can be held legally liable for this.
3. Admittance of the Dog: The minimum age for admission [to an AD] is 14 months; the maximum age for admission is 7 years. A single judge is authorized to test a maximum of 20 dogs; if there are more than 20 dogs, a second judge must be consulted. An AD and a BH can occur within a single trial with the same dog. The dogs must present a scorebook. Dogs must be completely healthy, as well as in superb condition. Sick dogs, dogs without sufficient strength, bitches in heat, and pregnant or nursing bitches may not be admitted. At the beginning of the test, after being called, the participants prepare themselves for the tattoo check -- provided that they have purebred dogs with VDH recognized pedigrees. In the case of all other dogs, the generally customary temperament test takes place. All participants must announce to the judge their names and the names of their dogs. The judge, together with the trial chairman, must be satisfied that the dog is in good condition. Dogs which give an impression of tiredness are to be disqualified from participating. The handler must behave in a sportsmanlike manner during the test. A participant can be disqualified from the trial for willful violation of the regulations. The decision in every case rests with the judge; it is not contestable.
4. The Evaluation: Points and ratings reports are not awarded, but only "Passed" [Bestanden] or "Failed" [Nicht Bestanden]. With "Passed" [Bestanden], the title "AD" will be awarded.
5. Terrain: As much as possible, the test shall be held on streets and paths of differing composition. Asphalted, paved and unpaved streets and paths are suitable.
Completion of a distance of 5 km [3.1 miles] (small dogs), 10 km [6.2 miles] (medium size dogs) and 20 km [12.4 miles] (large dogs) at a pace of 10 to 15 km/hour [6.2 to 9.3 miles per hour] for the small (up to 35 cm [13.65 inches] at the withers) and middle size dogs (up to 50 cm [19.5 inches] at the withers) and 12 to 15 km/hour [7.4 to 9.3 miles per hour] for all large dogs [all dogs over 50 cm].
1. Moving Exercise: The dog must run accordingly on lead (in accordance with street traffic rules) on the right side of the handler at a normal trot next to the bike (mountain and cross country bikes and racing bikes are not allowed). A hurried pace is to be avoided. The line must be held at an appropriate length so that the dog has the possibility to adapt his pace to the speed. Light pulling on the line (forging) is not incorrect; however, constant lagging behind of the dog is. After the medium sized and large dogs have completed 8 km [5 miles], there is a 15 minute break. During this time, the judge is to observe the dogs for possible signs of fatigue. Severely fatigued dogs are to be disqualified from further testing. After the first break, the larger dogs travel an additional 7 km [4.3 miles] before there is then a 20 minute break during which they are given the chance to exercise freely and unrestricted. Shortly before continuing the moving exercise, the judge checks the dogs for signs of fatigue or sore paws. Severely fatigued dogs, or whose paws are sore, must be disqualified from further running of the test. After completion of the running exercise, there is an additional 15 minute break. Here again, the dogs are checked for signs of severe fatigue and possible sore paws. The judge and trial chairman shall accompany the dogs, if possible on bikes, but they can also follow in a car. Notes on the dogs are to be recorded. It is necessary for a car to follow the participants so that dogs in which weaknesses or injuries are perceived can be transported in the car. Valid as failing the test is if dogs are lacking in toughness or show no signs of vitality, show unusual signs of fatigue and cannot keep up with the minimum assigned pace, but consume considerably more time. For these dogs, the test is concluded according to the distance guidelines after 3 km [1.9 miles], 7 km [4.3 miles] (small and medium sized dogs) and 12 km [7.4 miles] (large dogs).
2. Obedience: After concluding the running exercise, at the judge's instructions, the handler, with his dog at heel, has to take up position. After being called, every participant, with his dog, has to show obedience exercises appropriate to the training level of the dog. The exercises can be shown on a loose lead. The execution of the exercises must be done according to the regulations of the BH trial rules; however, the firing of shots does not occur.
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