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SCHUTZHUND 3 (sCHh3 - schhIIi)
- The Handler reports to the judge with the dog heeling off lead. After reporting, the Handler proceeds to the start position and once again takes the basic position.
Search for the Helper (5 Points)
- Commands: "Go On"/"Search" (Voran/Revier), "Here" (Hier), in conjunction with the dog's call name is allowed.
- At the judge's command, the Handler starts his dog on the blind search. The Handler must show 6 side searches (alternating 3 to the right and 3 to the left or vice versa.)
Hold and Bark (10 points)
- Commands: "Heel" (Fuß), "Down" (Platz)
- At the judge's command, the Handler leaves the center of the field and approaches within 3 to 4 paces from the dog. The judge determines the Handler's position for the call out. At another command from the judge, the dog is recalled with the command, "Heel" (Fuß). The dog must immediately come and sit quickly next to the Handler. The Handler calls the Helper out of the blind, downs his dog in place after ordering "Hands Up." (The recall position can be the same as the down position for the Escape.) The location of the Helper and the Handler before the Escape is determined by the judge. After completion of the search of the Helper and the blind, the exercise, Hold and Bark, is concluded.
- If the dog does not come to the Handler after 3 commands, the dog is picked up off lead. (The Hold exercise is scored as insufficient.)
Escape (10 points)
- Commands: "Out" (Aus)
- The Handler is located in the blind. At the judge's command, the Helper attempts to escape. By a fast, hard, forceful bite, the dog must effectively prevent the escape. At the judge's command, the Helper stands still. The dog must immediately let go on its own or at the single command "Out" (Aus) and intently guard the Helper.
- If the dog has not prevented the escape within 20 meters by biting and holding on, protection is discontinued.
Defense [Re-attack] (15 points)
- Commands: "Out" (Aus)
- After a distinct period of time, the Helper is instructed by the judge to attack the dog. Without influence from the Handler, the dog must immediately, confidently and forcefully defend against the attack by biting hard and full.
- After the dog bites, the Helper gives him 2 hits with the padded stick on the hindquarters, sides or withers. At the judge's command, the Helper stops resisting and stands still. The dog must immediately let go on its own or at the single command, "Out" (Aus) and intently guard the Helper.
- At the judge's command, the Handler goes to his dog and puts it in the basic position.
Defense of a Surprise Attack (20 points)
- Commands: "Out" (Aus)
- At the judge's command, after about a 50 pace Back Transport, an attack on the Handler and dog occurs while in motion but without verbal threats. The dog must immediately, confidently and forcefully defend against the attack by biting hard and full. At the judge's command, the Helper stops resisting and stands still. The dog must on its own or at the single command immediately let go and guard the Helper intently. At the judge's command, the Handler walks directly to his dog at a normal pace. With the command, "Sit" (Sitz), he puts the dog into the basic position. If the dog is already sitting, his behavior can be reinforced with the command, "Sit" (Sitz). If the dog downs after outing, the down can likewise be reinforced with the "Down" (Platz) command. The Handler has the Helper take 3 steps back, orders him to raise his arms and the downs the dog. The Handler disarms the Helper. After disarming, the Handler returns to his dog and sits him. Before beginning the side transport, the Handler halts beside the Helper with the dog in the basic sit position between them. The side transport to the judge follows with the dog heeling off lead.
- After reporting to the judge, the Handler is instructed to go to the assigned blind with the dog heeling off lead
Defending Against an Attack on the Dog and Handler, the Subsequent Hold and Guard (20 Points)
- Commands: "Heel" (Fuß), "Go On" (Voran), "Out" (Aus)
- The Handler comes out of the blind with the dog heeling off lead and proceeds to the start position designated by the judge (center of the field). He puts his dog in the basic sit position free at heel or holds him firmly by the collar. The Handler may not stimulate the dog and the dog must sit quietly next to the Handler. The dog must hold this position until he is released with the command "Go On" (Voran) to defend against the attack.
- Up to 3 points will be deducted for restless behavior.
- The Helper leaves the blind assigned to him by the judge that is about 70 to 80 paces distance from the Handler and runs across the field. The Handler orders the Helper to halt by calling, "Stop, stand still!" The Helper ignores this command and attacks the Handler and dog head on. Immediately after the attack, the judge gives the Handler the command to defend against the attack.
- At that time, the Handler immediately sends his dog with the command, "Go On" (Voran)
- The dog must intently defend against the attack and forcefully bite with a hard, full, confident, calm bite. After the dog bites, the Helper drives the dog a short distance, without stick hits, and at the judge's command stops resisting. After that, the dog must let go on its own or on the single command, "Out" (Aus), and watch the Helper intently.
Defense Against a Surprise Attack [Re-attack] (15 points)
- Commands: "Out" (Aus), "Sit" (Sitz), "Down" (Platz), "Heel" (Fuß)
- After a distinct period of time, the Helper is instructed by the judge to attack the dog. Without influence from the Handler, the dog must immediately, confidently and forcefully defend against the attack by biting hard and full.
- After the dog bites, the Helper gives it 2 hits with the padded stick on the hindquarters, sides or withers. At the judge's command, the Helper stops resisting and stands still. The dog must let go on its own or at a single command and guard the Helper intently.
- At the judge's command, the Handler walks directly to his dog at a normal pace. With the command, "Sit" (Sitz), he puts the dog into the basic position. If the dog is already sitting, his behavior can be reinforced with the command, "Sit" (Sitz). If the dog downs after the out, the down can likewise be reinforced with the "Down" (Platz) command.
- The Handler has the Helper take 3 steps back, tells him to raise his arms and then downs his dog. The Handler disarms the Helper. After disarming the Helper, the Handler returns to his dog and sits it. Before beginning the side transport, the Handler halts beside the Helper with the dog in the basic sit position between them. The side transport to the judge follows with the dog heeling off lead.
- After reporting to the judge, judging is concluded. The dog is put on lead. The Helper leaves the field. The score is announced by the judge. Downing the dog during the critique is allowed.
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