Working Title SchH 1/VPG1 Beginning level of Schutzhund - Tracking, Obedience and Protection
Working Title SchH 2/VPG2 Intermediate level of Schutzhund - Tracking, Obedience and Protection
Working Title SchH 3/VPG3 Advanced/Competition level of Schutzhund -Tracking, Obedience and Protection
Working Title FH 1 Advanced Tracking
Working Title FH 2 Most Advance Tracking
Working Title BH Begleithunde (Companion Dog) Obedience and Traffic Sure
Working Title WH Wachhunde (Watchdog) Test for basic alertness
Working Title SchH A Obedience and Protection of SchH 1
Working Title AD Endurance Test
Working Title IPO 1 Beginning Level - International Schutzhund Trial Rules
Working Title IPO 2 Intermediate level - International Schutzhund Trial Rules
Working Title IPO 3 Advanced/Competition level of IPO.
Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV - GERMANY)
Breed Test Ztp Zuchttauglichkeitsprüfung - Breed Suitability Test
Breed Test Gekort bis(date) Korung - Advanced Breed Test
Breed Test Gek bis EzA Korung - Lifetime Breed Test
Working Title DPO 1 & 2, WPO Diensthunde Prüfungsordnung - Service Dog Beginning, Advanced & Competition level
Working Title PSP 1, 2 & 3 Polizeischutzhund - Police Protection Dog Beginning, Intermediate & Advanced
Working Title BLH or BIH Blindenführhund - Blind Leader Dog
Working Title LawH or LwH Lawinenhung - Avalanche Dog
Working Title RH or RtH Rettungshund - Rescue Dog
Working Title MilDh Militär Diensthund - Military Service Dog
Working Title DM FH'(year) Deutsch Meistershaft FH Champion
Working Title DM SchH'(year) Deutsch Meistershaft Schutzhund Champion
Working Title BpDH1 & 2 Railway Police Dog
Working Title DH Service Dog
Working Title DPH Service Police Dog
Working Title PFP 1 & 2 Police Tracking Dog
Working Title PH Police Dog
Working Title ZFH Customs Tracking Dog
Working Title ZH 1, 2 & 3 Customs Dog
Working Titles from other countries
Titles listed as Schutzhund or IPO equivalent are accepted for class and registration requirements
Africa IWT 1, 2 & 3 IPO Equivalent
Austria SchH 1, 2 & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent
Austria FHA 1, 2 & 3
Belgium CQN Belgian Ringsport Title
Belgium IWR 1, 2 & 3 IPO Equivalent
Czech Rep ZVV 1, 2, & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent
Denmark BHP 1, 2 & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent
Denmark SPH FH Equivalent
England PD
Finland SK 1 IPO 1 Equivalent
Holland VH 1, 2 & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent
Holland SPH FH Equivalent
Hungary SZL 1, 2 & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent
Hungary ZVV 1, 2, & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent
Italy Brevetto 1, 2 & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent
Poland ZVV 1, 2, & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent
Switzerland SchH 1, 2 & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent
Yugoslavia CAB 1, 2 & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent
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